Ова фирма је добила сертификат "Фирма од поверења"
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Опис компаније
We are a fast-growing company increasing our team on a monthly basis. The services we provide are formed by the many years of experience and continuous commitment to evolve as fast as the online landscape. We are a young, creative and motivated team and suited for alle challenges in all marketplaces especially the Amazon marketplace. Our company’s mission is to provide Amazon sellers with the highest quality range of services and receiving everything they need from one place. We research the market, and analyze competition (their price and ranking on Amazon) and research keywords. Based on that, we prepare a detailed market analysis. We launch brand new products or add other variants. We help with both fulfillment method (FBA and FBM). We help with all the tasks related to your account on Amazon and Shopify. When you happen to have a problem on your account, we solve it by sending cases. We analyze the fee, and check if there has been a change in the course of business. We help with getting reviews because it is important to have good ones and completely reduce the bad ones. Our experts will take pictures, and then make you the best ones, which follow the variants of your product, all of which with all the requirements that Amazon is looking for. A very important thing is the recognizability of your logo. Our design team will create a logo that will be recognizable and unique. The key research team will help you rank organically on Amazon. We create barcodes that will track your products. We help manage Amazon marketing campaigns, which significantly affect your sales. A + content is important in order to improve your brand on Amazon, our creative team will help you create an attractive banner and choose the most optimal text and keywords. We take care of social media which is one of the best ways to increase sales in your Amazon store.
Поштански број: 22320
Град: Инђија
Улица: Dunavska 37C
Е - маил адреса: info@gama-global.rs
Број телефона: Прикажи